Why are there ballet shoes in my room?

Why are these ballet shoes in my room? emmal.halim

I had been dancing since I was about 3 years old (from my memory of what my mum said!), and I always wanted to be a dancer. I loved everything about it – the movement, the music, the costumes (yes, I had many tutus!), being on stage etc.

When I was in year 12 (our final year before university), my dance teacher took me to what could be described as the university for performing arts, and organised with the Dance Department for myself and 2 other girls from our school’s dance class, to come and watch a dance class at the uni – you know, to ‘get a feel for the place’. It was really kind of her, to be honest, and it showed how much faith she had in us. (I still remember the drive there! It was winter and our teacher drove us there in her car. Being a cold morning, she had the heater on, but it was sooooo stuffy. But us being the students felt too awkward to say can you turn it OFF pleeeease, and I think she being the teacher, was scared if she turned it off we’d be cold – and that would be a ‘bad teacher’. When we arrived and hopped out we all were so happy for fresh air 🤣🤣🤣.) GASP!

Anyways, … I digressed …

I was seriously thinking about applying, but after a discussion with my very practical dad, I decided it was a bit risky as a ‘long term’ job – what if you get injured? What if there’s not enough jobs to go around? What happens when you get old? Granted, it is not a career where there is an abundance of open opportunities!
So, after many tears, but agreeing he was right, I decided to enrol in something completely different, … but looking back probably just as scarce for jobs … Naturopathy! 🤣 That one is a WHOLE different story! 

I really appreciate my dad having that chat with me, and I know some people may see it as he didn’t allow me to follow my ‘dream’, but that wasn’t the case. At no point did he say you can’t or you shouldn’t. He and my mum supported ALL my dance classes and performances. Always. My mum even made a lot of my gorgeous costumes and would literally drive me HOURS to and from dance practise EVERY WEEK (we lived on a farm in the sticks!)! Yep! Dad was merely pointing out realities I could quite probably face, and if I was prepared to deal with them.

BUT, I do not regret my decision. And I do feel some people may look at me now and think, “awwwww, she could have been a ballerina!” with some sadness. But I’m not sad. Not at all. 

I enjoyed my ballerina days, AND I love the life that Allah swt has blessed me with now. If I studied dance, I wouldn’t have been in the Religion Studies class I randomly took for ‘easy credits’ (ironically at the SAME university campus … just a different wing) where I learnt about Islam.

I still enjoy aspects of ballet, now I just do the parts that fit in with my faith. The stretches and basic exercises are so good for posture and core strength. And lets be real, the shoes are just way too cute … so I still have a few pairs (pink and red are my faves!).

I especially loved being on stage and performing. I just really love that creative aspect and the energy level, but now I feel I can channel that creativity into my songs and books – which have become my new ‘dreams’ 😁.
Becoming Muslim, I don’t see it as I lost my dream of being a ballerina, I feel more that my dreams shifted, and I’m living them now, Alhamdulillah. Your dreams 10 years ago may not be your dreams now, and that’s fine; in fact, it’s kinda cool.

Here’s to embracing your life’s journey and living as many dreams as you can inshaAllah 💜.

Luv n Duas


Em xxx


Emma L. Halim is an award-winning and best-selling author, songwriter, educator & editor from Australia. It’s also possible she invented spaceships, pavlova and the Frisbee… oh wait. Nope, she didn’t, but she is good at telling stories that grab people’s attention.

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